The Challenge

Establish Salesforce as a leader in email marketing by utilizing best practices for email, ensuring optimized delivery and viewing on any device or screen size. Lead the pack with innovation while elevating our customers as the true heroes of the industry.

The Solution

Design and code emails responsively, keeping all copy and messaging as live text to be easily indexed and adaptable, without the ability to target via Javascript or current web standards. The HTML code may be reminiscent of the late 90's, but the innovation is all modern.

The Results

Increased Open Rates by 23% YOY and Click-Through Rates by 32% of goal. Over 4,000 event registrations directly attributed to this email campaign through the use of Salesforce Marketing Cloud tracking and analytics.

Best-in-Class Responsive Email Coding & Tracking

Emails customized by industry using AMPscript and dynamic content areas. The power of the Salesforce Marketing Cloud made the send of more than 23,000 of these emails quick and easy.

Lightweight in the inbox, attention-grabbing subject line and preheader messaging. Content tailored for the limitations of email inboxes and attention spans of readers.

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